Perhi Winkle

she/her, female
Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Long dark purple hair, with red streaks (streaks turned a pale, almost white shade of pink post-SDB) typically tied in a ponytail
dark Periwinkle blue, she has large wide eyes
20 at time of ARR (25 at EW)
5th sun of the First Umbral moon
Thaliak, The Scholar
Summoner, Bard
Omnicrafter and Omnigatherer

Neutral good, leaning chaotic
Positive Traits:
Kind, compassionate, loyal, intelligent, generous
Negative traits:
anxious, timid, passive, occasionally oblivious.
Books, children, magic, nature, sex, nerdy disaster Tias
the cold, loud places, people who take advantage of others, Mun Tuy Beans
Fears & Traumas:
Losing her family and friends, Hurting those she cares about, the Coeurlclaws and Ixali (mostly resolved that trauma, but still is generally uncomfortable around them)
Life Goals:
Make the world a better place for those that come after us…and make a bunch of kits to enjoy that world
RP Hooks
-Perhi is always happy to chat about books, crafting, gathering
-she has a daughter (and another on the way). Family and friends are very important to her
- She typically attracted to nerdy disaster Tias (G’raha and T’laqa Tia especially). It’s something her friends tease her about regularly.
-She hunts down old books and transcribes copies of them so that their knowledge is not lost.
-She has also recently discovered a love of crafting Orchestrion Rolls
-Allagan stuff. She’s very interested in expanding her knowledge of Summoning and uncovering its lost secrets. Also she just got a housekeeping node that she needs to add childcare programming too.
Out of Character Stuff
-Perhi occasionally gets overwhelmed and will go mute, I will use emotes to relay her responses (it’s very rare this happens now)
-Perhi is generally satisfied with who she is involved with romantically at the moment. She’s very much open to new friendships though.
-I’m only into ERP with people I know and trust. Spicy talk is ok, but more than that is out.
-My time zone is Pacific Time (GMT -8)
Early Childhood
Perhi and her twin sister, Pelhi, were born deep within the Black Shroud to Miah Wahondalo and Yon’li Bojhjaa. They were the fourth and fifth children born to their mother.Perhi’s mother was the main apothecary for the Wahondalo clan. Therefore Perhi spent much of her youth traveling from one family village to the next. Winters were spent in the South Shroud north of Quarrymill, while summers were spent to the North near Hyrstmill.It was by all accounts an idyllic childhood spent exploring the numerous bounties of the woods: foraging berries, catching small vilekin, and fishing up whatever she could manage under the watchful eyes of her many aunts. She and her siblings were raised to respect the woods where they made their home, even as they were shielded from the worst of its dangers.

(Perhi and her twin sister, Pelhi, aged 6)
Echo Awakens
Perhi’s echo awoke gradually through her youth. At first it seemed that she was just really good at reading people. Ever the people pleaser, Perhi seemed to know what people needed or wanted almost before they did. She seemed to sense dangers before they happened and was able to get to the root of her siblings' squabbles.It wasn’t until she was 10 that the trouble started. Bhen’sae, the father of her older brother, Miah’to, had started frequenting their camps once more. It took one look at him for a flurry of images to assault her senses. Visions of him setting traps, attacking Wailers, and collaborating with the Coeurlclaws raced through her as she collapsed from the pain.That was her first full echo vision.When she came to, the whole story came out. Despite Bhen’sae’s attempted denial, it was soon discovered that everything Perhi had said was true and he was banished. He had broken the main rule of the Wahondalo clan, do not put the family at risk. After that Miah’to seemed cooler and more aloof to the adults of the clan, and to Perhi especially. Perhi tried everything to repair her relationship with her brother to the point of ignoring her bad feelings about the direction he seemed to be heading.

Prelude to Calamity
Perhi’s bad feelings about Miah’to were revealed to be true when she was almost 15. He’d left home at an almost unreasonably young age, even for Keepers of the Moon. He’d return occasionally, usually dragging the younger kits into some scheme and leaving upheaval in his wake.Perhi had done her best to make peace with him, but his anger at her revelation of his father’s wrongdoing had never dimmed. He made her uneasy, but she could never pinpoint the actual cause, reasoning that it was his obvious dislike of her.She only realized the depth of his dislike of her after he tricked her into thinking one of the younger kits was in danger, causing her to venture into an Ixali den and nearly die. She managed to escape into a tree and was rescued by wood wailers before much harm could befall her. The Elezen wailers had no clue what to do with her and so took to Gridania for questioning.It was the first time Perhi had been to the city. One of the first faces she saw upon arrival was her father, a rising star amongst the Wailers. Almost completely overwhelmed, she shakily tried to explain what had happened. They sent out a squadron to look for the missing kit, only to find that none had been missing. Miah’to denied having any knowledge of what had happened. In all the confusion the story had gotten turned around and they believed she was poking in places she should not have gone. The more she was pressed about what she was doing the more Perhi clammed up. It seemed that Miah’to’s presence had been completely forgotten. Soon her father grew frustrated and made arrangements to bring Perhi home.Between the trauma of the Ixal attack and the questioning by the Wailers, Perhi had fallen completely apart. It only got worse when she returned home. She wilted under the weight of her mother’s worry and fear, unable to respond to any of her questions. She froze, clutching her arms to herself as a whispered argument between her parents over what happened began. Realizing that their argument wasn’t helping any, they sent her off, telling her they could discuss things when she was calmer.That conversation never happened, for little less than a week later, the lesser moon, Dalamud, began its fall. Calamity had begun.
Perhi was once again lucky during the Seventh Umbral Calamity. The ground beneath the feet of all who made the Shroud home roiled as if boiling liquid. The frightened screams of man, animal, and elemental alike filtered between the trees much like the red light from the falling moon.When the worst of the devastation began, her youngest sister, T’kahla, ran from the safety of the cave her family had hidden themselves in. Perhi had instinctively chased after the toddler. Confused by the cacophony around them, the girls were unable to find their way home. Just as all seemed lost, Perhi was able to find cover for them before they blacked out.When Perhi came to the next morning everything had changed.The fall of Dalamud wrought destruction across Eorzea, especially much of the Shroud. Many of the familiar places Perhi loved were destroyed or changed beyond recognition. Entire villages, and the people within them, completely gone overnight.To this day Perhi refuses to speak of what she saw as she carried her sister back to their home.
While much of Perhi’s closest family came away from the calamity unscathed, whole branches of the Wahondalo clan were wiped out in the devastation. Those that remained gathered together for safety and support in the days that followed. That support was needed as news of that happened at Carteneau began trickling in from those who returned from the battlefield.Perhi’s father had been among the many who joined the fighting at Carteneau to never return. When the family found out, Perhi’s still shaken mind took both recent traumas and took the blame for both. If she hadn’t disappointed him, would he have survived the battle? Probably. His death had to have been her fault.Before long Perhi was a shell of herself under the weight of her misplaced guilt: barely eating, sleeping, and completely silent. Perhi’s mother soon realized that Perhi was not going to improve without better help than she could give.She arranged Perhi’s oldest sister, Masya, move with her into Gridania proper to seek what help the guilds there could give. Miah visited as much as she could, but her responsibilities kept her to their home village. Over the next 5 years Perhi slowly came back into herself, though much quieter and more serious.Once she was well enough, Perhi was determined to leave the Shroud and explore the world. She’d heard tales over the years from passing adventures of the oceanside cliffs of La Noscea and the unending deserts of Thanalan. She wanted to see it all.